A Way in the Wilderness: Meeting God in the Desolate Places of Scripture--A 6-Week Bible Study with Video Access
In the tumultuous journeys of life, there are moments that leave you feeling disconnected, lost, hurt, confused, and wondering where God is. A Way in the Wilderness by Kristel Acevedo offers a six-week Bible study designed for individuals or groups of any size, encouraging you that in those seasons of wilderness, God is with you.
Each week, Kristel leads readers through reflections on a biblical figure who faced their own wilderness—from the solitude of John the Baptist to the trials of the Israelites. Through these familiar stories, she draws parallels to life now, helping you see that amidst the struggles is often where God meets you most profoundly.
Six weekly online teaching videos enhance your study, offering deeper insights. Whether you've felt the sting of isolation, the ache of lost direction, or the shadows of despair, A Way in the Wilderness will remind you that while you might not choose these experiences, they are opportunities for growth and reliance on a strength greater than your own.
Un Camino en el Desierto: Encontrándonos con Dios en los lugares desolados de las Escrituras--Un estudio bíblico de 6 semanas con acceso a video
Si en algún momento te has sentido desconectado, perdido, lastimado o confundido y te has preguntado dónde está Dios, entonces has experimentado lo que Kristel Acevedo denomina una temporada de desierto. Y ella entiende porque ha experimentado su propia temporada de desierto de soledad, aislamiento y desesperación.
Pero Kristel quiere que sepamos que Dios está con nosotros en esas temporadas.
Usando los ejemplos de figuras bíblicas que han experimentado el desierto, este estudio de seis semanas nos recuerda que aunque estas temporadas pueden ser duras y solitarias, muchas veces también son periodos de preparación y crecimiento. De hecho, Dios nos encuentra y se revela a nosotros en nuestros momentos de oscuridad y pérdida, y Dios usa estas experiencias para transformarnos y renovar nuestras mentes.
3 Big Questions That Shape Your Future: A 60-Day Exploration of Who You Were Made to Be
Sometimes, life gives you way more questions than answers. And yet it seems like everyone expects you to just figure it all out! Whether you're looking toward your future or wrestling to get through today, it doesn't have to be so stressful. Just 3 big questions will help you find clarity about all the rest:
1. Who am I?
2. Where do I fit?
3. What difference can I make?
This 60-day exploration breaks down those big questions into manageable pieces and helps you embrace God's best answers for you.
Backed by Scripture and informed by years of conversations with teens just like you, this book does more than help you figure out what to do with your life; it will help you understand what your life means to the world--no matter who your friends are, what career you end up with, what kind of family you come from or may have in the future, what obstacles you may face, or what doubts trouble you along the way.
You Took Me In: 3-Day Devotional
Developing a Biblical View on Immigration
Immigration is a topic that’s been close to my heart for a long time. I come from a family of immigrants and grew up in Miami, FL, a city of immigrants. I saw up close the bravery and resiliency of this community. As an adult, I’ve heard damaging rhetoric about immigrants being shared even from Christians. I want to help Christ followers see immigrants and refugees not from a political lens, but a biblical one. It’s my hope and prayer that these words will lead to heart change, compassion, and action on behalf of our immigrant neighbors.
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me; I was in prison and you visited me. - Matthew 25:35-36 CSB
Strangers to Friends: A Guide to Loving Your Migrant Neighbors
This guide, written for Pax and available for free in the Pax Marketplace, offers five practical ways we can express love and care to the immigrants among us. This guide challenges us to truly see migrants as our neighbors, friends, and collaborators. It provides guidance on how to build authentic, mutually honoring relationships that glorify God and strengthen our communities.
Check out these podcast episodes where I’ve been featured as a guest.
Mom Struggling Well - Ep. 149:
Regarding Immigrants & DiversityThe Home and Hearth Podcast - Ep. 79:
A Christian Perspective on the Refugee CrisisThe Church Digital - Ep. 78:
Women’s Ministry Online & Creating Community Around ContentTransformation Church - Study Hall Sessions:
How to Read the BibleSeason 4: The FYI on Youth Ministry:
Kristel Acevedo: Ministry Rhythms that Work for YOUCBF Conversations -
Kristel Acevedo & Brad Griffin, 3 Big Questions That Shape Your FutureThe Grace Parents Podcast:
3 Big Questions to Help Shape Your FutureNew Aspen/Barna - Making Space Podcast:
Kristel Acevedo on Small Groups, Discipleship & Bridging Generational GapsBlessing & Motherhood Podcast - Ep 18:
Talking to Teens with Kristel AcevedoThe Digital Examen Podcast:
Examining the Freedom of Being in God's Presence with Kristel Acevedo
I’ve had the opportunity to contribute my writing to several publications and websites over the years. Here are a few of my favorites.